The Leader In On-Site Mobile Fueling
Direct Marine Fuels' on-site fueling division provides your company with a competitive advantage by maintaining quality control, increasing operator productivity, lowering administrative costs and increasing operational efficiencies.
Experience the Direct Marine Fuel Advantage
We save you time.
No more time spent searching for a fueling station because we come to you. Your assets are fueled on your premises, directly from a Direct Marine Fuel delivery truck staffed by experienced, specially trained personnel. Fueling is done off hours, so your equipment is fueled and ready for use when your staff arrives for their shift.
We save you money by cutting out the middle man.
Your fuel is delivered from the terminal directly to your equipment, in turn improving efficiency and lowering payroll expenses. You will also benefit from the tighter finanÂcial controls by having fuel delivered and billed by one source rather than the hunÂdreds of charges being generated at numerous service stations. Direct Marine Fuel provides our customers with complete and timely reporting which details the number of gallons that were delivered to each piece of equipment.